in this house we believe…
Really what is there to say about street signs that street signs don’t already say about themselves. Turns out I have a lot to say. This summer I embarked on a very exciting bike trip across the USA, and I encountered so many road signs. Some of my favorites included the signs to let everyone know about the presences of cows. I learned that there are two (very slightly) different signs for cattle vs cows. Another difference is apparently people are very into shooting the “Open Range” cattle signs.
Road signs have been a constant source of inspiration for me. I have a mini series called “Road Signs and Their Meanings” in which I unpack some of the real meanings behind the road signs we know and love. Here is one edition of this series.
Most recently, I was inspired by the staple sign of the liberal suburbs of Boston. Specifically the houses rocking their “In this house we believe…” signs.
Archer, my parent’s dog, modeling with one of these signs.
The following are variations on a theme: signs of things my hypothetical domestic abode believes in very deeply.
1. “Unrelated, but all equally important thoughts” beliefs
2. “Self affirmations” beliefs
3. “Monetary justice and decision making for race horses” beliefs
4. “Noel from the Great British Bake Off needs someone who can better balance out his zany spirit with a more level headed brand of humor (like Sandi)” beliefs
5. “Nothing like some good old fashioned ancient Cuneiform” beliefs
Anyways, that is all I have to say on this matter! Actually one more thing that I just thought of: you can’t spell “virtue signaling” without “sign.” Okay, thank ya for reading, stay tuned for more signage!