Tattoos Your 9th Grade History Teacher Would Tell You are Historically Inaccurate

Your ninth grade history teacher was actually really cool. First-gay-marriage-in-Massachusetts type of cool. You still take notes the way your ninth grade history teacher taught you (upper case roman numeral, upper case letter, number, lower case letter, lower case roman numeral, etc).

I. Occasionally, you got in trouble for drawing things in class-

A. But that was pretty representative of your high school experience.

B. The only things you ever got in trouble for were:

1. Drawing in class

2. Talking in class

3. Laughing too loud in the library

4. Forging a fake teacher’s pass to get out of independent study, getting asked which teacher the forged “pass” was from, and the teacher saying he’d never seen that pass before in his life.

a. And then you had to go talk to your house dean about how plagiarism is wrong and forging passes is not okay (even though your school’s superintendent had just had this big plagiarism scandal).

II. Anyway, here are tattoos that your cool 9th grade history teacher would tell you are just a little historically inaccurate.


Mountains, Paper Money & Valleys


Weekly Meme Digest - 3