beyond extraction
Araucanía and antofogasta’s geological narratives
in daily memoriam
Diana’s Dreams: Designing past the 9-5pm
Now, what does it really take to juggle two pre-pubescent teenage boys and maintain a full-time job? Diana’s dreams follows the story of a mother, who despite constant calls, errands, and drives to soccer practice, started her own company for a flexible work-from-home job.
A Woodshop in your Garage: Kurt the Carpenter
Ever wonder what it’s like to fully operate a woodshop from home? Kurt, carpenter in Somerville, speaks to his experience of working out of his garage. We learn about the importance and trade-off between attracting customers and having enough space to produce his products; virtual marketplaces have a hidden urbanization pull, and must be addressed with appropriate urban governance.
The Before & After of our Homes
Ever spend hours staring at the confined space of your room at home? While I am ultimately fortunate to be able to work from this cyborgian machine we call a computer, from which I can just spend my whole day in front of and with which I complete all my “incredibly valuable” tasks for society, I began to wonder what it’s like for others who might not rely on a laptop. How does the “home” transform to suit work without a laptop?